Thursday, November 15, 2007


To whichever religion one may adhereto, a belief and a prayer are part of everyone’s life. As a beginning to this blog me offer my heartiest prayer to Lord Sri Sriranganatha of Srirangam (this holiest of all the holy religious sites is situated near Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India). Lord Sri Sriranganatha is a family deity of all Srivaishnavas (a sect in the Hindu religion).

Prostrating before the Lotus feet of Lord Sri Krishna of Govardhan (this is a religious site situated near Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India) me offer my heartiest prayer to Jagat Guru (Jagat means Universe).

To many of the readers the beginning of this blog may appear unusual and possibly irritating too. Over a period of time one will find the importance of this beginning. The trials and tribulations which passed through my life would enable one to understand the belief and the prayer which rest in me.


Metamorphosis said...

The beginning is fluid; neither irritating nor unusual. I hope you have a long and beautiful run with your blog.

Sri Ganeshaya Namah

Good luck.

Vishwanath Gaitonde said...

WOW!!! uncle good beginning...

U shud be writing more... good start !!